World War II and the children's experience


1. Chronologies

Clue: See Chronology section to become familiar with the sequence of events. 


2. Maps

Clue: Look at the maps to get a geographical perspective of the voyage. In particular, look at the historical map detailling the location and number of ships sunk by period, in particular between 1940 and 1941. 


3. Excerpt from Miracles on the Water: The Heroic Survivors of a World War II U-Boat Attack  

Clue: Consider the detailed account of the attack (how evacuees reacted) as well as the suggested reasons for sinking SS City of Benares by U-48.


4. Excerpt from Iron Coffins: A personal account of the German U-boat

Clue: Pay attention to the German strategy for naval warfare and their level of control of the Atlantic ocean. Why does the author say Germany needed to wage war in the Atlantic ocean? 


5. Excerpt of radio address given by Dr. R.C. Wallace (chairman of the National Committee for Children from Overseas)

Clue : What does Dr. Wallace have to say about the nature and purpose of CORB? 


6. Correspondance between the Childrens Overseas Reception Board and the Myatt family

Clue: What specific wartime details are offered in reference to the acceptance and voyage of Beryl Myatt?  What tragic information is revealed in the second letter of 19 September? (Remember this second letter was only received after 21 September). 


7. Letter to Beryl Myatt from her mother and father

Clue: What do Mr. and Mrs Myatt have to say to their daughter with regard to her voyage to Canada? What additional information and advices are offered to Beryl for her stay in Winnipeg? What does this tell you about the social and cultural conditions of the time?


8. Account of Michael Rennie's death by Louis Walder
Clue: How did the attack happen according to Louis Walder? What role and exploits did Michael Rennie accomplish after the attack? Why did Louis Walder write this account?
9. Kenneth John Sparks  Oral history (audiovisual)

Clue: According to Mr. Sparks, what was it like for a child to embarke on this unique voyage to Canada? How did he survive the attack? How physically and emotionally affected was he from this tragedy?


10. Historical photographs of the event
Clue: What information do the visuals offer about the Battle of the Atlantic and the attack on SS City of Benares in particular? Consider the people involved, the vessels in question, the sea conditions, and convoy organization. 


11. Newsreels produced after the event
Clue: What information do the visuals offer about the Battle of the Atlantic and attack on SS City of Benares in particular? Consider the sequence of events, persons involved, and their personal reactions to the attack. 

12. Battle of the Atlantic, Historical Factsheet

Clue: Consider the reasons offered for the early success of the German navy during the Battle of the Atlantic and the challenges it created for Allies as well as their response to turn the tide in their favour.


13. Extra resources

Clue : What additional information do the newsreels, virtual exhibits, and extra sources offer about the Battle of the Atlantic and the experience of British evacuees?



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