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Lévesque, S. (2008). Thinking Historically: Educating Students for the 21st Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. |
Lévesque, S., Denos, M, Case, R (2013). Enseigner la pensée historique. Vancouver: Critical Thinking Consortium. |
Lévesque, S., Ng-A-Fook, N., & Corrigan, J. (2014). "What does the eye see? Reading online primary source photographs in history". Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 14(2).
Lévesque, S. (Fall 2012)."Assessing Progression in Learning to Think Historically: Students' Ideas about the War of 1812". Rapport (OHASSTA journal): 4-10.
Lévesque, S. (Fall 2012)."Thinking the War of 1812: Notes on Students' Historical Ideas". Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens: 41-47.
Lévesque, S. (Automne 2012)."Penser la guerre de 1812: Quelques idées provenant d'étudiants". Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens: 33-40.
Lévesque, S. (été 2011). "La pensée historique: pour le développement de la littératie critique en histoire." Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens: 13-16.
Lévesque, S. (2011). Les TIC et l'histoire: partenaires ou rivaux? Enjeux de l'univers social, 7 (1): 28-33.
Lévesque, S. (2010). La pensée historique et l'enseignement d'enjeux contentieux: l'expérience des élèves qui étudient la Crise d'octobre. Dans M. McAndrew et al. (ed.). L'école et la diversité: perspectives comparées. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 159-168.
Lévesque, S. (Hiver 2010). "On Historical Literacy: Learning to Think Like Historians." Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens: 42-46.
Lévesque, S. (2009). L'enseignement par situation-problème: l'expérience des élèves de l'Ontario. Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 7 (1): 73-77.
Lévesque, S. (2009). Historical literacy in 21st century Ontario: Research using the Virtual Historian. Rapport final. Canadian Council on Learning (CCL).
Lévesque, S. (2008). Terrorism plus Canada in the 1960’s equals hell frozen over”: Learning about the October Crisis with computer technology in the Canadian classroom. Canadian Journal of Learning Technology, 34 (2). Disponiblehttp://www.cjlt.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/493/224
Levesque, S. (2008). Can computational technology improve students’ historical thinking: Experience from the Virtual Historian©. Présentation à la Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,28 March 2008, New York City. (pdf)
Lévesque, S. (2007). "Can Computational Technology Improve Students’ Historical Thinking? Experience from the Virtual Historian© with Grade 10 Students." Journal of the Ontario History and Social Science Teachers Association, (Printemps): 19-21.
Lévesque, S. (2006). "Discovering the Past: Engaging Canadian Students in Digital History." Canadian Social Studies, 40 (1). Disponible: http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/css/Css_40_1/index40_1.htm.
Lévesque, S. (Automne 2006). "Learning by 'Playing': Engaging Students in Digital History." Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens: 68-71.